What to eat in Caorle?
Typical dishes of Caorle cuisine
If you are looking for a truly unique culinary experience, you must try the typical dishes of Caorle.
A bit of history
Today, the word Caorle has become synonymous with good food. And this can be seen above all in the number of restaurants open in the town centre, but also in the nearby hamlets; restaurants that are packed during the bathing season, but are also packed on winter weekends, when the cold wind does not tempt inland residents to go as far as the sea; yet they do come.
The culinary tradition of the people of Caorle goes back a long way, to when fishermen used to go to the lagoon or the sea and, considering the many hours they spent away from home, the boats were equipped with a small fire to warm up their lunch. Which of course consisted only and exclusively of fish, with a noticeable added value: it was freshly caught. With the advent of tourism, these fishermen-cooks decided to bring their expertise to more organised kitchens and the first restaurants opened.
Typical dishes of Caorle
The typical dishes found in Caorle are those of the traditional Venetian cuisine and therefore based on fish. We mention only a few of the most delicious and popular dishes in our restaurants.
Caorle Fish Festival
The Fish Festival is organised every year.
The Fish Festival, initiated by the municipality of Caorle in collaboration with the local Pro Loco organisation, is held on the “sacheta” beach during the last two weekends in September. For more information or updates visit the website of the municipality.
It is always the right time to book a holiday
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