
World Tourism Day 2022

“Rethinking future” is the title chosen for the World Tourism Day 2022

Three key words to describe the changes you would like to see in tourism for the future that lies ahead.

The key words I think of in answering this question are:




We really and scientifically need to analyse the current status of the tourist reception process, both at territorial and structural level. In such a circular process, success will necessarily come in terms of quality and agility within the tourist experience. Development is necessary after such an analysis to understand the vision, in order to acquire tools and channels adapted to modern time and new technological or analogue languages.

Adaptation of resources to such a development through appropriate training processes and functional flows will certainly be a responsibility.

People and the planet are at the centre of every action proposed for a more sustainable future from both a social and environmental point of view

How much training do you think is needed to raise awareness among employees and tourism agents on similar topics? What does BiHoliday propose to do in this regard, i.e. in term of training?


Tourism is also at the core of the european community’s 2030 agenda

Specifically in points 1 “No poverty”, 5 “Gender equality and women’s empowerment”, 8 “Decent working conditions and economic growth”, 10 “Reduction of inequalities”.

How much do you think the role of institutions as well as the national and international territory should be once and for all a driving force for tourism businesses?

If by “driving force” you mean valorising all the professions involved in such an extraordinary industry as tourism, I would definitely say “(Extra)Ordinary”. People who work for other people, for their free time, for their families, for their emotional side. And if all of the above is true – which indeed it is – we need a policy that does not stop at good intentions and a proactive 2030 agenda, but rather one that provides a technical and capable plan to connect territories, as well as a nation favouring a tourism that will be able to enjoy our country and our tourist proposals because it will be liveable as well as visitable.

Outside and inside the villages

What actions are needed for BiHoliday locations to determine a new tourism paradigm for the future?

I don’t want to sound hasty, but I would answer with one word: DIALOGUE, once again, between the parties and between the territories and institutions. Without confrontation, no action can ever be successful, and nobody can really go anywhere alone.

Tourism and metaverse

Do you think that the new digital challenges can lead to a new way of experiencing the choice of the ideal holiday? If yes, in what field? (pre-click, stay or post-stay?)

It is a wonderful opportunity, but like all things, it can only be a wonderful opportunity if used properly. It would give a key to approaching and discovering the pre-stay and/or memories in the post-stay. I also believe that living your holiday immersed in the reality… in the scents, colours and relationships that only a “physical” holiday can offer should continue to be a value not to be renounced for any world, however wonderful, but not immersed in reality.