Aquileia and Grado via Marano Lagunare
An itinerary full of interesting places
Aquileia and Grado, two cities that have always been a priceless heritage of Italian history and culture. An itinerary full of places of interest.
How to get to Aquileia and Grado from Caorle
To get to Aquileia and Grado, we recommend the use of a car, which is very convenient and gives you the possibility, along the way, to detour to places that might interest you.
You leave Caorle by taking the Strada Provinciale (Provincial Road) n. 42 towards Latisana, which you reach after about 30 kilometres.
Before entering this beautiful Friulian town, you cross the bridge over the Tagliamento River that separates the Veneto Region from Friuli.
You pass Latisana on Strada Statale n. 14 towards Trieste.
After about 12 kilometres and passing the town of Muzzana del Turgnano, you arrive at a roundabout.
Our itinerary would require us to continue straight ahead, but if you have some time to spare, an exit to the right will take you to Marano Lagunare. It is only 8 kilometres, but you will find yourself in a beautiful, ancient town with Venetian influences.
It is always the right time to book a holiday
With our holiday centre offers, your stay in Caorle
will be even more pleasant.